It’s that time of year again! The UNLV Spring Flicks Film Festival 2010. It’s what the film students here at UNLV look forward to every year. There were 80 entries this year and the usual two night event has been lengthened to three. It began Friday, April 23rd at 6 PM and ran through Sunday, April 25th, at which time all the winners were announced. This is a pretty big event this year. We are competing for a Best Short grand prize of $1,500, first runner up is $1,000 and second runner up, $500. We didn’t have any grand illusions for our films but we definitely wanted to be selected to be featured in the Las Vegas Film Festival. Last year we made it to Cinevegas with Superflash, and we have to admit, we were really hoping for a similar event this year. Well, Friday night passed, and Saturday night came. Humidity, a film that we’ve spent the entire semester working on, closed that night, which is an exciting spot to have. It went over really well and we were very pleased with the results. Sunday night then came and went. We showed Sin City Chronicles that night but it didn’t go over as well as Humidity, which was fine because to be honest we just wanted to try every genre to really find our voice. I really think we found it with Humidity. Plus, we did Sin City Chronicles about a year ago so I don’t feel like we took a step back or anything like that. It’s always progress.
Anyhow, we did win a few awards. We were in a 3 way tie for 2nd runner up Best Short, unfortunately there was only one $500 check to give away and the judges selected another short but we still get a trophy. We also got 2nd runner up Best Director, 1st runner up Best Actor, and 1st runner up Best Actor. We also would have gotten 2nd runner up Best Screenplay but we were knocked out of the running the last night with a short film called Marko. by Mike Vara.
All in all we are really happy with the night and the results. It makes us so excited to get started on our next project and to adapt Humidity into a feature. Will it be in Las Vegas Film Fest, I don’t know yet. When I do, you will be the first to know.
Have a great day everyone!