Okay, so I switched blog addresses to make the whole blogging process easier and then I stopped blogging. Isn't that a funny coincidence. By the way, if you're wondering how switching addresses would make it easier... I use to have two different log ins. One for my business and one for my personal... now their connected.
Anyhow, what's been going on in life lately...
First, lets talk business and that sweet, sweet money tree. Raising our prices just hasn't been easy here and our goal of making movies is being hindered by it. So I realized, I just need to clear out our editing bay and start focusing on our next film. And that's exactly what I'm doing!
How are we making a living you might ask... I got a job! So basically my Monday - Friday schedule goes like this: work 8 AM to 5 PM, come home, eat dinner, then edit 6:30 PM - 9 PM. Then Saturday I'm editing most of the day. I have about 9 or 10 more projects to finish up. My goal is to have them all done by March or April. But no later than April! For two special reasons... which I'll get to... But for now....
The JOB!!! I am really excited about it and feel really blessed to have gotten it. I see now why we were supposed to move to Utah. Its a learning experience... a chance to network... and a chance to grow. So what I'm doing is, I'm assisting a UPM (Unit Production Manager)... I don't know that I'm an "Assistant" exactly, but I'm basically just taking on some of the load. Its with the LDS Church's Film Department. Its not on a screenplay though... it's for this Leadership Training Library that will go to various countries, including our own... and then I assume it'll grow from there. But the cool thing is, (a) it's film related... I was really afraid I'd have to be a receptionist, waitress or cashier... but I was so lucky to be hired on with a Production Company... and not a small one at that. And the thing that makes me so excited... the people in the team are awesome! They're fun and really good at what they do... Hopefully I'll be able to make some connections for our upcoming feature, since we really only know a few filmmakers here. PS... the projects completion date is in like... March or April... something like that... so it's not going to be forever but... that leads to our next thing.

Well, since this UPM Assistant job isn't going to last forever, we've decided to continue growing our business... but this time in Las Vegas. I know... you're probably like... didn't you JUST move from there... To which I say... Yes... but we're going to try it out. I mean... don't get me wrong. We're still marketing in Utah, but we're going to broaden our horizons.
PS. That doesn't mean we're moving back. Our next move is to CA. I feel like our equipment is safer her... I mean, lets face it... I left my keys in the back door for a week and nada... nothing happened.
Next... what I'm most excited about... MARKUS! Our next feature.
We're working on a second draft and hope to have the script completed by the end of the month... Maybe that's pushing it. But at least a script we can start moving forward with. Honestly, I am so proud of Jon. I truly think he's done his best work so far. It always amazes me that each script he writes is that much better than the last. He really has a gift for storytelling and I love that! But we've started research on our marketing plan and well... we need to talk to some people... get a producer... we definitely have our composer... thank you Durrant! Anyhow, I'm really excited... everything we do this year is to make Markus, the feature. Humidity... which we hope to one day take the concept and make a feature out of... was my story, Markus is Jon's.
Anyhow, film friends. Hopefully we'll see you at Sundance!!!
Oh, and here's our most recent video. I think its cute. I know people only watch a bit of it then stop because its not someone they know, but the end is so stinking cute... the ends my favorite obviously.