Sunday, September 25, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
THE FLY.......
Okay you guys. Something about me you might not know... I LOATH FLIES! They're the most disgusting little critters on the face of the earth...
Now I know, this coming from Erika, lover of all Gods creatures, great and small... one of the few tree hugger, "hippie claimin'" Mormons around... but flies are icky and I haven't quite discovered their purpose. Not that I've done any major research but still...
Maybe someday they'll come out with a finding that the little beasts cure cancer. And on that day I will repent, and confess my wrong to the entire world... but until then they are dark creatures from the lowest abyss of H-E-double Hockey Sticks!
So here's my story... About a month ago a fly got into our house. We haven't had a fly in our house in... well, what feels like forever! So at first I was like... oh, I miss my cat... this is kind of like having a little pet. I mean, the thing wouldn't die - So you get kind of use to it... Anyhow, you know how they say that flies usually die within 24 hours. WRONG! That bugger lasted for 2 WEEKS!!! By the 2nd week it started to get on my nerves... SOOO we used our nifty little fly-swatter... which is actually really gross because its like an electric fence and when you zap something... it sends sparks... yeah... no joke!
Don't worry about asking... Jon's dad got it for him as a gift for Christmas or something... must be a guy thing because they both thought it was cool, and so did I until I saw that first bug light up like a christmas tree... not so cool after that...
Anyhow, so two weeks go by and suddenly the fly is gone. We tried zapping him but he was too fast... that's probably why he lasted two weeks... he was a fast little bugger (ha - "bugger" - a fly - bugger - get it!... Anyhow...). So we go a week, no fly... and then it happened. Somehow, we got ANOTHER fly in our house. WHAT!
This one only lasted about a week and then we didn't see it anymore. Totally clueless on where these things go to die but they seem to vanish. Which I'm okay with. Anyhow...
Then Monday comes... I wake up in the morning... take Jon to work... Its a regular day... sun is shining, birds are chirping... and then... I come home to make myself some Peeps in Diegos and what do I see when I pull the bread out of the breadbox... None other than THIS...
I freaked out. I actually almost puked. Literally. Wasn't feelin' so well that day so I was actually making food so I wouldn't, and then this happened and I almost lost it. I text my sister and asked her what to do... I already had my heart set on trashing my bread but I wanted a second opinion. The thing was curled up so I figured it was going to die soon. It wasn't moving...
In the mean time of texting I started making myself something out of the fridge, a bagel.
She asked what it was... I didn't know... she asked if the bread was closed... it was... she asked if the bread smelled bad... I didn't know, so I thought I'd check... I went over to the box and there was that little worm... all stretched out and movin' really, really fast across the top of the bread box door. I... of course screamed... and jumped around like I was walkin' on hot coals. I called my sister... "What do I do? What do I do?" It was like the first time seeing a cockroach. I go stupid, my brain is paralyzed in fear. Put me in some horrible situation and I'm fine... put a gross little bug in front of me and I'm an idiot! I couldn't bring myself to touch it... even through layers and layers of napkins so she told me to put a cup over it. I grabbed an old cup... that actually didn't belong to me... and threw it on top. She saved the day!
Life went on. Jon had seen it too but was too grossed out to do anything so we left it there for a few days, assuming that without food it would die. Nope. Leaving it there actually made us realize what it was. A few days later I finally got the nerve to trash that little worm but when I started to raise the cup I heard something ripping and it wasn't as easy to lift as usual. Op. That's when I saw it. That little worm was forming a chrysalis. It wasn't just a worm. That was a baby... pooped out by a fly! A fly baby! Or better known as but more disgusting to say... a fly larva. EWWWWWW!!!
So, needless to say the breadbox is gone as is the fly worm and its little home it was building... and my sister's cup... but I'm sure she wouldn't want it back anyways.
So that brings us to today. Jon and I get home and there's another fly in our house. We were fed up! Jon saw him in the corner of our dining room and when he tried to fly away, Jon started swatting. "I got him cornered, I got him cornered." Now, since two of the sides were wall/door and two weren't. I can't agree that having one side covered is really cornering him. He more had him boxed. So I took the other side with the fly swatter. It was like table tennis for a while. The fly would go Jon's way and he'd flail his arms wildly to keep it back and then it would come my way and I'd swing my racket and try to get him. This went on for about 5 minutes. The window was open too, mind you... so anyone who saw us would have thought we were spazzin' out! But after a while I finally got him. Zapped that little bugger and he fell to the ground! NOW. If we get another fly... we know how to take care of 'em... we'll tag team his A... butt... (come on guys... like I'd really drop an A-bomb)
Don't mess with us! (Not you guys, the flies... you're okay to mess with us, unless you're a fly... then not so much)
Now I know, this coming from Erika, lover of all Gods creatures, great and small... one of the few tree hugger, "hippie claimin'" Mormons around... but flies are icky and I haven't quite discovered their purpose. Not that I've done any major research but still...
Maybe someday they'll come out with a finding that the little beasts cure cancer. And on that day I will repent, and confess my wrong to the entire world... but until then they are dark creatures from the lowest abyss of H-E-double Hockey Sticks!
So here's my story... About a month ago a fly got into our house. We haven't had a fly in our house in... well, what feels like forever! So at first I was like... oh, I miss my cat... this is kind of like having a little pet. I mean, the thing wouldn't die - So you get kind of use to it... Anyhow, you know how they say that flies usually die within 24 hours. WRONG! That bugger lasted for 2 WEEKS!!! By the 2nd week it started to get on my nerves... SOOO we used our nifty little fly-swatter... which is actually really gross because its like an electric fence and when you zap something... it sends sparks... yeah... no joke!

Anyhow, so two weeks go by and suddenly the fly is gone. We tried zapping him but he was too fast... that's probably why he lasted two weeks... he was a fast little bugger (ha - "bugger" - a fly - bugger - get it!... Anyhow...). So we go a week, no fly... and then it happened. Somehow, we got ANOTHER fly in our house. WHAT!
This one only lasted about a week and then we didn't see it anymore. Totally clueless on where these things go to die but they seem to vanish. Which I'm okay with. Anyhow...

I freaked out. I actually almost puked. Literally. Wasn't feelin' so well that day so I was actually making food so I wouldn't, and then this happened and I almost lost it. I text my sister and asked her what to do... I already had my heart set on trashing my bread but I wanted a second opinion. The thing was curled up so I figured it was going to die soon. It wasn't moving...
In the mean time of texting I started making myself something out of the fridge, a bagel.
She asked what it was... I didn't know... she asked if the bread was closed... it was... she asked if the bread smelled bad... I didn't know, so I thought I'd check... I went over to the box and there was that little worm... all stretched out and movin' really, really fast across the top of the bread box door. I... of course screamed... and jumped around like I was walkin' on hot coals. I called my sister... "What do I do? What do I do?" It was like the first time seeing a cockroach. I go stupid, my brain is paralyzed in fear. Put me in some horrible situation and I'm fine... put a gross little bug in front of me and I'm an idiot! I couldn't bring myself to touch it... even through layers and layers of napkins so she told me to put a cup over it. I grabbed an old cup... that actually didn't belong to me... and threw it on top. She saved the day!
Life went on. Jon had seen it too but was too grossed out to do anything so we left it there for a few days, assuming that without food it would die. Nope. Leaving it there actually made us realize what it was. A few days later I finally got the nerve to trash that little worm but when I started to raise the cup I heard something ripping and it wasn't as easy to lift as usual. Op. That's when I saw it. That little worm was forming a chrysalis. It wasn't just a worm. That was a baby... pooped out by a fly! A fly baby! Or better known as but more disgusting to say... a fly larva. EWWWWWW!!!
So, needless to say the breadbox is gone as is the fly worm and its little home it was building... and my sister's cup... but I'm sure she wouldn't want it back anyways.
So that brings us to today. Jon and I get home and there's another fly in our house. We were fed up! Jon saw him in the corner of our dining room and when he tried to fly away, Jon started swatting. "I got him cornered, I got him cornered." Now, since two of the sides were wall/door and two weren't. I can't agree that having one side covered is really cornering him. He more had him boxed. So I took the other side with the fly swatter. It was like table tennis for a while. The fly would go Jon's way and he'd flail his arms wildly to keep it back and then it would come my way and I'd swing my racket and try to get him. This went on for about 5 minutes. The window was open too, mind you... so anyone who saw us would have thought we were spazzin' out! But after a while I finally got him. Zapped that little bugger and he fell to the ground! NOW. If we get another fly... we know how to take care of 'em... we'll tag team his A... butt... (come on guys... like I'd really drop an A-bomb)
Don't mess with us! (Not you guys, the flies... you're okay to mess with us, unless you're a fly... then not so much)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
This is the Place [Part 1]
A few weeks ago my brother, Mario, his wife, Liz, and their two daughters, Becka and Nora, came into town. Their first time visiting Utah might I add. It was so fun and made me realize that I'm sad we don't live closer. My family use to always do a ton of fun stuff when we lived near each other... then Mario & Liz moved away and no more fun stuff... apparently they brought the fun with them... :) Seriously!
Anyhow, so here are some pictures and there will be more to come but these are just a few that I grabbed. By the way, if you're expecting to see a lot of my brother and sister and their kids, you'll be sorely disappointed. I actually just got a bunch of random stuff while we hung out... didn't take a ton of pictures... not like our Beverly Beach trip, though I wish I was able to.
But here we go... 4 pictures that I took that I thought were cool.
Last, this isn't an "interesting" picture per say, but its my little nephew Oliver, whom I ADORE!!! He's straight up a crazy, no shame little kid and I LOVE IT!!! He had just jacked that piece of cinnamon bread from me right before I snatched the photo. Freaking adore him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS. He plays the tough, straight up crazy kid, but he's actually really sweet and sensitive. The other day he wanted my grapes and I wouldn't share (I'm such a great example) so he would give me a kiss every time he wanted a grape... you just can't say no to that...
Anyhow, so here are some pictures and there will be more to come but these are just a few that I grabbed. By the way, if you're expecting to see a lot of my brother and sister and their kids, you'll be sorely disappointed. I actually just got a bunch of random stuff while we hung out... didn't take a ton of pictures... not like our Beverly Beach trip, though I wish I was able to.
But here we go... 4 pictures that I took that I thought were cool.
This was actually an accidental picture. I was checking the lighting and the shutter stayed open longer than I expected... its my brother-in-law, Ryan and the fire... you just can't totally tell...
PS. He plays the tough, straight up crazy kid, but he's actually really sweet and sensitive. The other day he wanted my grapes and I wouldn't share (I'm such a great example) so he would give me a kiss every time he wanted a grape... you just can't say no to that...
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