Friday, April 8, 2011


I feel like the luckiest girl in the world! I seriously feel like I have the best life ever!

Yes, editing sometimes makes me feel like my very life is being sucked from me, sending me to a dark chasm of despair, never to return (*wink).

And yes, though you may not believe it, Jon and I do fight every once in a while, but all-in-all, and for the most part... we're really happy.

I'm sure that a lot of people are happy but I still feel like we're a rarity... and though thinking we're the only one's in the world is completely fooling myself... I'm okay with that...

We've been married for 7 years, and we still don't have kids... now a lot of people would say, 'you guys are totally missing out!' And we probably are... but for now... I'm going to take full advantage of it just being the two of us... No one to take care of but ourselves... no one to worry about but ourselves... and no one to answer to but ourselves...

Maybe its because I've had a long, crazy week and its finally the weekend... but I feel free! Amazingly free! And it feels good!!!!

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