Friday, October 1, 2010

Euro Toast

Today we took a trip to the Mt. Timpanogus Caves. It's about 20 minutes, and a fourth of a tank of gas, south of Salt Lake City. Unfortunately every park in Utah costs to get in. What happened to free parks? Why does Utah insist on making every park cost? Seriously, why? Anyhow, we made a random turn and started heading south hoping we'd find a way to the great salt lake but it just never got any closer. Like one of those crazy dreams where you run toward something but you never get any closer. Man, I hate those. Anyhow, I got tired of driving so we turned toward the freeway and then I saw it... My old place of employ. The Good Earth Natural Food. So, in an effort to make sure the trip wasn't a complete waste we stopped.

It was there that we discovered, or rediscovered should I say, the tasty, the delicious Cinnamon Swirl Bread, and we made the purchase! We were going to have Italian Flat Bread, but I couldn't figure out what to make with it, so this was the obvious solution.

Anyhow, we got home, put some eggs, milk, sugar, and nutmeg in a bowl, swirled it around a bit, dunked the bread and put the little buggers on the grill. They were super delicious. And I hope this post makes you a little hungry. Maybe my next food... hahaha... I just put "food toast"... I meant to write food post... anyhow, maybe my next will be a little more exciting.

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